Will You Be Getting a Health Insurance Rebate?

This year, many Americans are going to be getting a rebate from their health insurance companies. It will come from the insurers who failed to meet the requirements of the medical loss ratio. This is the first time since that law was passed that rebates will be issued. Will your insurance company be sending you a rebate? The medical loss ration, or MLR, went into affect in 2011. This is a health insurance reform law that is designed to help consumers, (not health insurance companies). The MLR was created in order to prevent insurance companies from spending the majority of … Continue reading

Reasons for Consumers to Love the Medical Loss Ratio

The medical loss ratio is a part of the Affordable Care Act. By now, you have probably become aware that the Affordable Care Act is a series of health reform laws that are designed to improve health care, and health insurance, for consumers. The medical loss ratio is also a wonderful thing for consumers. The medical loss ratio is a law that requires health insurance companies to spend a specific percentage of the money they get from premiums on medical claims, or activities that will improve the health of their customers. For most insurers, the amount is 80%. However, really … Continue reading

How To Have a Claim Free Holiday Season

I just love the holiday season, I love cooking, baking, making gifts, entertaining and everything about being stressed-out with the joy of giving my family and friends the best I have to share. It’s the time of the year I enjoy giving others something they wouldn’t ordinarily give to themselves. We always have a huge party and invite everyone, It’s my turn to show off and give them the taste of my cooking. We all (hopefully) invest in a Homeowner or Renters insurance policy for a reason. The fact is that every year the holidays bring multiple opportunities for families … Continue reading

3-Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Bacteria Claim Free While Cooking.

The last thing we want if we are, the host of a dinner or party is to make our family and guest sick. If we are going to go to all the trouble to be a host then we want everyone to remember the experience for the right reasons, and not because someone is hurt or sick due to a liability we have in our kitchen. We might have a Homeowner or renters insurance policy that would cover Guest Medical and Liability Claims but the most important part of risk management is to avoid the claim in the first place. … Continue reading